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What you’ll learn


  • Overall goal

    • To free and unhinder your Lindy Hop by re-discovering your basics

    • Through your new basics you will be able to integrate and transition into all 60 Classic Lindy Hop moves and create new moves easily and effortlessly

    • You will use minimal energy with maximum results while dancing, using your new basics skills

    • Because of what you learn you will be able to incorporate musicality, creativity and syncopation and liberate your dancing.

    • Understanding of how foundation and frame improves your connection and power to your follow

    • Learning how to utilize momentum to keep it alive and moving instead of using strength alone.

    • Understand music structure and how to embody it in your dancing

    • How to use connection and momentum to improvise to the music and physically converse, lead or follow rhythm and phrasing your partner.

    • How to protect your body from injury on the dance floor.


• 8 couples /16 people 8 weeks

$375 per person - help others to enroll and/or pay Chad what he’s worth ;)


  • $175 per person for those with fixed or limited income


  • $275 per person - registration fee covers the cost of the course

    • ​​​*Price increase with two teachers.


  • Lesson will be held in a large living room with wood floors or outside on a deck.


  • Requirements: Must have proficiency in the Lindy Basics and at least a handful of 6 and 8 count moves.


  • Suggested minimum of 3 social dances (You will pay admission or tip the band separate from this course). The social dances will be attended by instructor to help you integrate your new skills on the dance floor.


  • No refunds. We are looking to have a serious committed group of dancers who are invested in improving their Lindy Hop and maybe showcasing their new skills. 


  • Scholarship possibilities

    • No one turned away if qualified and dedicated to improving

    • Price depending on financial situation and commitment to the course.

    • Payment upfront preferred/expected. If that causes a financial hardship, alternatives can be negotiated. ​


  • Duration

    • Session 1 

      • 8 weeks  Re-discovered Basics (If 2 classes are missed, except for family emergencies your participation in the class is terminated)


  • Session 2 

    • 8 weeks Weekly classes covering the Zen Dance 7 Hub System (Must have completed 8 Week Re-discovered basics)


  • What’s Included in the package

    • 8 weekly lessons, 2 hours per session 

    • 10 social dances, 1/week (We’d like you to come to 3-10 of these, to practice your new skills)

    • Handout/Reference Sheet

    • Size of group (8 couples, 16 people max)

    • This course is unique because Chad will accompany his students to the social dances to guide and instruct on the live social dance floor.


This is a complete system course. If you’re committed and willing, this course WILL completely transform how you dance. 


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